Operation Round Up Trustees Needed
Vacancies on DMEA’s Operation Round Up Charitable Trust
Delta-Montrose Electric Association’s (DMEA) is seeking to fill vacancies on its Operation Round Up Charitable Trust. Positions are now open for District #2 and District #4. DMEA’s Operation Round Up Charitable Trust is made up of volunteer members who are responsible for helping the cooperative grant charitable donations across the service territory. Each month, they review Operation Round Up applications from local members in need and non-profit organizations. The trust then grants donations from the funds collected through the Operation Round Up program. Trustees serve three-year terms and are limited to a total of four terms.
Operation Round Up is a charitable giving program funded directly by DMEA members. Participating members choose to round up their monthly electric bill. The rounded-up portions from all participating member bills are deposited into a separate account and are used to grant donations to worthwhile organizations, projects, charities, and individuals.
Trustees are responsible for reviewing applications and granting donations on behalf of the cooperative. The trust is made up of member volunteers who represent different geographic regions within DMEA’s service territory. DMEA is currently accepting nominations to fill two vacancies. Interested members must be residents of District #2 and District #4. To submit your name for consideration contact, Karen Archey at karen.archey@dmea.com, (970) 240-1229, or complete the online form found here.
Learn more about DMEA’s Operation Round Up program online at dmea.com/operation-round-up.