Resumen de operaciones

Crea un cambio real

Operation Round Up es una forma fácil y conveniente para que los miembros del DMEA marquen una diferencia real en sus comunidades.

Las facturas mensuales de electricidad de los miembros participantes se redondean automáticamente al dólar más cercano, más cualquier monto adicional que deseen designar. Ese dinero se deposita en el fondo Operation Round Up. El Fideicomiso Benéfico Operation Round Up del DMEA distribuye las donaciones de ese fondo mensualmente en función de las necesidades y el impacto en la comunidad. El Fideicomiso Benéfico Operation Round Up del DMEA está compuesto por nueve miembros voluntarios de todo el territorio de servicio del DMEA.

Gracias a los miembros, como usted, todos los años, Operation Round Up dona aproximadamente 57 000 dólares a organizaciones y familias necesitadas que valen la pena en nuestras comunidades locales.

Redondea tu cuenta

Solicita una donación caritativa

Para solicitar fondos, complete la solicitud correspondiente a continuación. Si tiene preguntas, llame al 877-687-3632.

El DMEA Charitable Trust se reúne mensualmente el 2y Lunes para revisar las solicitudes. La fecha límite de solicitud para cada reunión es El jueves de la semana anterior a las 17:00 a la reunión. Devuelva sus solicitudes a Oficina de DMEA en Montrose.

Servir como fideicomisario de Operation Round Up

El Operation Round Charitable Trust está formado por miembros voluntarios de todo el territorio de servicio y es responsable de distribuir las donaciones caritativas de la cooperativa. Los fideicomisarios cumplen mandatos de tres años. Periódicamente, el Fideicomiso debe cubrir las vacantes debido a los límites de los mandatos. La búsqueda de candidatos calificados está en curso. Si está interesado en trabajar como fideicomisario de Operation Round Up, descargue y complete el formulario de nominación de fideicomisario. Para la versión en español, haga clic here.

Preguntas frecuentes

Who decides where the money collected from Operation Round Up goes?

A nine-member, volunteer board called the Delta-Montrose Electric Association Charitable Trust meets regularly, reviews applications and makes disbursements.

Can I give more than the round up portion of my bill?

The program allows you to round your monthly electric bill up to the nearest dollar. You also have the option of contributing more than your rounded up portion in any amount you wish.

What if I decide at a later date I want to withdraw from the program?

You can withdraw at any time by notifying the cooperative by phone, in person, or in writing.

Are Operation Round Up donations tax-exempt?

Yes, DMEA will notify you on both your January and February bills of your total contribution for the previous year.

If I participate, how much will I contribute?

If you designate no money beyond what you "round up" to the nearest dollar, the average contribution will be about $.50 per month or about six dollars a year.

Can the trust borrow money?


What uses are specifically prohibited for Operation Round Up money?

No funds of the trust can be used to support any candidate for political office or for any political purpose. Funds can be used to pay electric bills. However this is discouraged and allowable only in circumstances the trust considers critical need.

Will the trust be audited?

Yes, at least annually.

What if someone has an emergency (their house burns, for example) between trust meetings?

The executive committee (officers), by a vote of at least three of its members, can make emergency expenditures of no more than $1,000 between regular meetings.

Are there limits on the amounts awarded?

Yes – no more than $10,000 annually to any individual, group, organization or charity. By a vote of at least five of the nine members, the trust may exceed these limits if they feel it’s in keeping with the purpose and spirit of the trust.The trust presently receives only about $4,400 per month from DMEA Round Up participants. Although the board would like to assist all applicants, the number of applications and limited resources do not allow funds to be awarded to every applicant.

Who can apply for assistance to Operation Round Up?

Individuals or groups residing within DMEA's service territory can apply using forms provided by DMEA. Completed forms can be returned to DMEA or to a trust board member.

Are board members of the trust paid?

No, they will be compensated for mileage and out-of-pocket expenses.

Who can serve on the trust board?

Anyone who is at least 18 years of age, a permanent resident of the county from which he/she is chosen, of good moral character, and a member of DMEA, qualified to vote in the election for DMEA Board of Directors.