Notice of Change: Large Commercial, Large Commercial Coincidental Peak, Industrial-Distribution 12kV, and Transmission 46kV and 115kV

April 21, 2020


You are hereby notified that Delta-Montrose Electric Association proposes to make changes in its tariffs/fees to become effective upon DMEA’s withdrawal from Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc. (“Tri-State”), which could occur as soon as July 1, 2020.

Delta-Montrose Electric Association proposes changes in the following rate classes: Large Commercial Rate, Large Commercial Coincidental Peak Rate, Industrial-Distribution 12kV Rate, and Transmission 46kV & 115kV Rates.

The current and proposed tariff provisions are available for examination and explanation at the offices of Delta-Montrose Electric Association located at 11925 6300 Road, Montrose, Colo., and 21191 H 75 Road, Delta, Colo. The proposed changes can also be viewed at

A hearing, final authorization, and documentation of the proposed changes will be made at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to be held on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. To attend this virtual meeting please contact for instructions.

Anyone desiring to comment on the proposed changes shall file written comments with the Association, either by mail to: Delta-Montrose Electric Association, Rate Comments, PO Box 910, Montrose, CO 81402 or electronically to, to be received at least one (1) day before the Board of Directors’ meeting date referred to above. Members may also make their comments in person at the Board of Directors’ meeting at the date and time referred to above.

The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed. Members are encouraged to share their comments with the Board of Directors so that the Board might make an informed decision.

Jasen Bronec, Chief Executive Officer