DMEA Celebrates Members for National Cooperative Month
Don't miss out on FREE coffee Tuesday, October 27
October 21, 2020 — October marks National Cooperative Month, and this year, Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) is celebrating the people it serves—the members. The local electric co-op invites its members to enjoy their favorite coffee drink at next week’s Annual Member Appreciation Day:
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Open to 11:00 AM
Coffee Trader (845 Main St., & 211 S. 5th St., Montrose)
Stacy’s on Main (260 W. Main St., Cedaredge)
Paonia Breadworks (530 Grand Ave., Paonia)
“We didn’t want to let National Cooperative Month go by unnoticed, but we also want to help keep both our members and essential employees healthy. So, while we wait for the day where we can sit back down face-to-face and chat, laugh, and discuss issues with our members, we decided to provide a token of appreciation to say thank you,” said DMEA CEO, Jasen Bronec.
The public is invited to stop in at their favorite coffee spot to pick up a coffee, espresso, or other drink for free. There is no formal presentation and members are encouraged to practice appropriate social distancing and wear a mask.