DMEA Accepting Applications for Board Vacancies

September 10, 2021

Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) is now accepting applications for two vacant seats on its board of directors: District 3 and District 5. Co-op members interested in serving on DMEA’s board can submit their applications online at until October 29, 2021. 

“As directors, we understand our fellow community members place their trust in us to serve in their best interests. It is both humbling and fulfilling. I encourage all members who are interested in serving their communities in a meaningful way to submit their applications,” said DMEA Board President, Kyle Martinez.

District 3 represents the North Fork Valley, including Crawford, Hotchkiss, Paonia, and Somerset. District 5 includes a portion of the city of Montrose, as well as rural county areas, west of Hwy 550/Townsend Avenue and south of Lasalle Road. Members can view the district maps online or call DMEA at 877-687-3632 to confirm in which district they live.
Members seeking nomination for a DMEA director position must:

  • be an individual at least 21 years of age
  • be a member of DMEA in their individual capacity
  • maintain their primary residence within the district for which they are applying
  • complete the online application form and submit an up-to-date resume by 5:00 p.m., October 29, 2021

Additional requirements are available at in DMEA’s Bylaws, specifically Article 4 – Directors. DMEA's Board of Directors will interview eligible applicants in early November, and the new directors will be appointed at the regularly scheduled DMEA Board Meeting on November 23, 2021.

Submit your application here. View map of board districts here.