Payment and billing options
Questions About Your Account Options?
Pay your way with our 24/7 convenient payment options.
Payment Methods
DMEA offers numerous payment options and billing programs to fit every lifestyle and budget. Sign up for Autopay, go paperless, and check out options for paying as you go with our My Choice plan.
By mail
PO Box 1267,
Grand Junction, CO 81502
In person
DMEA Montrose
11925 6300 Road,
Montrose, CO 81401
21191 H 75 Road,
Delta, Colorado 81416
Payment kiosks
Our self-serve payment kiosks are in the entryways of each of our offices, the Hotchkiss Chamber of Commerce Info Booth, and the Cedaredge Town Hall (open during town hall business hours).
In your community
DMEA also partners with MoneyGram and Western Union for payment services, offering you the convenience of paying your bill at any of the following locations in our local communities:
- City Market
- Family Dollar
- Dollar General
- Walgreens
- Walmart
- Safeway
- Dinero Rapido
Billing Programs
The Autopay program allows members to have their monthly electric bill automatically deducted from their bank account or charged to their credit card. No more worrying about late fees, stamps, or last-minute trips to the office to pay your bill. Don't forget to go paperless once you're on Autopay and save $2.
How to sign up for Autopay:
- Click here to log in to your account. If you are a first time user, click the New User link to register your account.
- Under the Bill & Pay menu tab, select Auto Pay Program.
- Under the Actions section, click Sign Up For Auto Pay and choose either a new card, a bank account, or an existing card.
- Verify all your information is correct and click submit.
Questions? Contact our friendly customer service staff members 877-687-3632 or csrs@dmea.com.
Paperless Billing
Interested in saving $2 and receiving your monthly bill electronically? Sign up for our paperless billing option and, DMEA will no longer send you a paper bill or newsletter, except for legally required notices. Instead, you will receive an email each month when your bill is ready. You can then log in to SmartHub to check your account balance, see your consumption history, and pay your bill. You will receive an electronic version of your monthly member newsletter via email.
Sign Up for Paperless BillingMy Choice
My Choice is a pay-as-you-go program where you pay in advance for your electricity. This program allows you to make payments in any amount and at anytime. When you make a payment, you will have a positive balance on your account. Each day, as you use electricity, your balance goes down. The program will notify you when your balance is approximately less than 5 days worth of electricity. If your balance goes below zero, your power will be disconnected. However, you can have the power turned back on in minutes by making a payment at anytime of the day! There are NO disconnect or reconnect fees.
Members on My Choice will also not be subject to late fees or collection fees. When you switch to My Choice, you can transfer up to $500 of a past due balance. When you make a payment on your My Choice account, a portion of that payment goes toward your past-due balance and a portion goes to buy new electricity. For example if you pay $100 on your account, $30 will go toward your past due amount and $70 will go towards future electricity.
With no more due dates, no fees, and no annoying late notices, My Choice puts you in control of your power. Sign up for My Choice in person in order to receive an up-to-date account balance and learn about options for reducing and transferring your past due balance. To save some time, download the My Choice form, complete it, and bring it with you when you stop in.
Budget Billing
Are you tired of seasonal spikes in your electric bill? With Budget Billing, DMEA will calculate your monthly bill based on your average consumption from the previous year, and you’ll pay a fixed amount each month for your electricity costs. Annually your account will be trued up. Your account will be credited if you purchased excess electricity or you may be billed for electricity you used beyond what was calculated. There are no penalty fees for using electricity beyond what was originally calculated.
Sign up online for Budget Billing or call 877-687-3632.
Demand Charge
Demand is the amount of power needed to supply every electrical device running in your home or business at one specific point in time, as measured in Kilowatts (kW). Starting in May, we’ll list demand, or the maximum electricity load your household draws at one point during the month, on your bill.

When you use several appliances at the same time, it increases energy demand. At this time there is no extra charge for this, but we make sure there’s enough electricity for everyone. Now, with new technology and smart meters, we can measure demand so our members can see and control how much energy they use.