All about the Paper Statement Fee

Beginning July 1, 2019 DMEA members will see a $2 paper statement fee on their bill, if they choose to continue receiving a paper bill. This fee is in place to help DMEA cover the costs associated with processing, printing, and mailing paper bills and to encourage members to go paperless. Check out the frequently asked questions below to learn more about why DMEA is implementing this fee and how you can opt out of it! Or, feel free to skip the info and opt out right now - click here to opt out of your paper bill.
Frequently asked questions about DMEA's paper statement fee
What is DMEA’s Paper Statement Fee?
Beginning July 2019, members will see a $2 paper statement fee on their bills only if they choose to receive a paper bill. This fee is universal to all members and is only charged to those who receive a paper bill in the mail. If a member opts out of a paper bill, they will not be charged the $2 fee.
Why is DMEA implementing a paper statement fee?
On average, DMEA spends hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to process, print, and mail paper statements to its members. We can reduce that expense significantly by encouraging members to opt out of their paper bill and instead receive an electronic bill notification by email.
The $2 fee will help DMEA cover the expense of processing, printing, and mailing paper bills, AND, hopefully, motivate members to opt of their paper bill all together. Either way, it will result in a savings that helps DMEA reduce our internal operations costs, so that when a rate increase must occur, we are doing everything we can to minimize the impact.
What does it cost for DMEA to send bills and the newsletter?
On average it costs DMEA $200,000 annually to provide paper bills to members and approximately $50,000 annually to print and mail your member newsletter, which is also included with your bill. If you opt out of your paper bill, DMEA can reduce the costs for both the bill and the newsletter! Plus, you’ll receive both items electronically each month straight to your email inbox so you can continue to pay your bill and stay informed.
How can I opt out of my bill and not pay the $2 paper statement fee?
It’s easy! Just click here and complete a quick online form. Our customer service team will get your account set to paperless right away. Then, moving forward you’ll receive an email alerting you of your balance due each month and your due date, and you will be responsible for paying your bill on time.
What options does DMEA offer for me to pay my bill?
We have many different options that offer convenience for members to pay their bill:
- Payment kiosks - Our self-serve payment kiosks are in the vestibules of each of our offices and the Hotchkiss Chamber of Commerce Info Booth.
- In person – Stop by your local office and pay in person – 11925 6300 Rd., Montrose or 21191 H75 Rd., Delta
- By mail – Send your payment (checks only please) in the US mail to PO Box 1608, Montrose, CO 81402.
- Online - Register your account online for 24/7 access to your account details. You can pay your bill and even download a PDF of your actual statement for records.
- By phone – Call us at 877-687-3632 and pay using our secure automated phone system.
- Drop boxes – Drop your payments off at any of the following DMEA drop boxes located within our communities. Please note that payments submitted through drop boxes may not be posted for 2 business days:
- Montrose
Both City Markets
Safeway - Paonia
Don’s Market - Cedaredge
Cedaredge Mercantile