DMEA Board of Directors Announces District 2 Vacancy

July 24, 2023

DMEA will accept applications for vacant seat August 1 – 31, 2023

July 24, 2023 — Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) will begin accepting member applications for its vacant District 2 board seat beginning August 1.

In the case of vacancies, DMEA’s bylaws (section 4.10 Vacancies) require the cooperative to fill the vacant seat within four months of the date of the vacancy. DMEA will accept applications from members interested in serving as the District 2 representative from August 1 – 31, 2023.

District 2 represents the northern portion of Montrose County, west of the Gunnison Gorge wilderness area, including Olathe and the Uncompahgre Plateau. Members can view a detailed district map online or call DMEA at 877-687-3632 to confirm if they reside within District 2.

Members interested in applying for the vacant director position must:

DMEA's Board of Directors will interview eligible applicants in September and appoint the new District 2 representative at the regularly scheduled DMEA Board Meeting on October 24, 2023. The appointed term for the District 2 board seat will end in June 2024. For more information about DMEA Board of Director roles and responsibilities, contact Amy Taylor at